Culture analysis 


Culture analysis examines the broader cultural environment in which your brand operates, identifying key cultural trends, values, and narratives that can influence consumer behaviour. This service helps brands align their strategies with evolving cultural contexts to stay relevant.



  • Discuss the brand’s cultural positioning and strategic goals.

Data collection

  • Gather data from cultural studies, media analysis, and consumer research.

  • Monitor cultural shifts through social media, news, and academic sources.


  • Cultural trend relevance score.

  • Consumer cultural alignment index.

  • Brand cultural impact assessment.

Data analysis & results

  • Identify dominant, residual, and emerging cultural trends relevant to the brand.

  • Analyze the brand’s alignment with these cultural trends and provide strategic recommendations for deeper cultural integration.


  • Summary report in PPT format 

  • Key insights, visualizations, recommendations, consulting by strategic planning based on findings:

    • Differentiate between global cultural trends and local cultural nuances, particularly in key market Bulgaria.

    • Proposing to integrate cultural narratives into brand storytelling, ensuring that the brand’s messaging resonates with current societal values and norms.



Price range: EUR 3,500*

Time period: 3 weeks

Sample size:

  • Assessment of brand alignment with dominant cultural narratives.

  • Cultural maps illustrating key trends.

Market: Up to 2 markets (Bulgaria & EMEA)


Price range: EUR 5,000*

Time period: 5 weeks

Sample size:

  • Assessment of brand and all cultural narratives alignment.

  • Culture map and scenario planning.

  • Follow-up workshop to discuss brand strategy adjustments.

Market: Up to 3 markets (Bulgaria & Global)

* Third-party expenses not included. The fees can be as a one-off project or on a monthly retainer.