Top 3 communication trends to keep an eye for in 2023

In today’s fast moving and constantly changing world companies and brands are facing big challenges. In such an environment, one thing that should always be a priority is the lookout for industry information and trends. This allows you to stay on top of the industry by identifying opportunities, which will accelerate growth and give your company a competitive advantage. What is more, being informed on the latest trends helps when building your brand story around what is hot right now. This will definitely bring higher reach and awareness about your organization. Ultimately, these will transform into real customers.

Already a couple of months in 2023, let’s have a look at some of the communication trends that will continue to dominate:


In the last couple of years authenticity has become an essential metric in the communication strategy. It is crucial for a brand’s success and an undeniable industry trend. It only comes natural for a company that has clear values and mission to have an authentic tone of voice. Consumers have always been sensitive to fake news and had high expectations. Still, nowadays more than ever they look for transparency in the brands they use. Consumers not only expect companies to have clear values and ethics, but to act upon them.

In the field of social media authenticity is one of the most important aspects as well. It is exactly this metric that is lies behind the success of platforms such as TikTok. Additionally, precisely through authentic tone of voice some influencers have managed to build a strong community.

If your brand is authentic in all that is said and done, it is safe to say that customers will do the marketing themselves. Word-of-mouth referrals will increase as well as social media share and ultimately sales.

Influencer marketing

Whether is surprising or not, influencer marketing will continue to be a significant part of the PR mix. The rise of micro and nano influencers will persist. This is mainly because often they have a higher engagement rate and an audience that trusts their recommendations and is much more willing to make a purchase. Still, brand ambassadors in the face of macro and mega influencers will also be vital in the PR mix. When it comes to influencer leverage, the authenticity is one of the characteristics that describes a successful social media campaign.

As for social media platforms, TikTok continues to dominate, especially as a choice of younger audiences. Therefore, expert knowledge of these platforms as well as video and reels creation will be much needed.

For more information contact our team here.


Surely you are all familiar with CSR and its importance to companies in recent years. Lately, another term began to circulate – ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). ESG evolved from other movements focused on safety, pollution reduction and corporate philanthropy among others. In general, it is a framework that helps stakeholders understand how an organization manages risks and opportunities around sustainability issues. The idea is quite simple: a business is more likely to be successful and generate strong returns if it creates value for employees, customers, suppliers, and society as a whole, including the environment. The level of ESG also has long-term benefits such as adaptability, innovation, and positive brand image among all of the involved parties. A strong ESG strategy is also aligned with the company’s values and purpose and needs to have an authentic tone of voice that is honest about the current state of the organization in its ESG journey.

These are only 3 of the trends to continue to keep an eye for in 2023. If one thing became clear, it is that they are all connected and together they form a successful strategy when building your brand communications.

If we caught your attention and you would like to learn more on how to implement these trends in your communication mix do not hesitate to reach us!


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